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心理学 students gain insight to the workings of the human mind, creating a better underst和ing of themselves 和 the world.

In an ever-changing world, the ability to underst和 human behavior is a distinct advantage in any career involving human interaction. Our 文学学士 在心理学中 program facilitates the development of critical 和 analytical thinking 和 research skills 和 helps you apply 这 knowledge in real-life situations. The curriculum offers a breadth of knowledge of the discipline as a foundation in preparation for graduate or professional training 在心理学中 or in a related discipline.

Our psychology program provides a perspective on the many different career choices that an undergraduate degree 在心理学中 可以提供. You will gain an underst和ing 和 an appreciation of the scientific investigation 我们的行为ll as an opportunity to engage in 和 present an original research project with our 指导老师.







What can I do with a degree 在心理学中?

Graduates of the program may serve as career or guidance counselors or as substance abuse, mental health, 和 behavioral health counselors in diverse agencies like the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Bost, Inc., Harbor Recovery Counseling, Valley Behavioral, 和 public 和 private schools. 根据 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for degree holders working 在心理学中 is $53,000. 此外, American Psychological Association (APA) offers a glimpse of the breadth of work that psychologists do. The subfields of psychology include behavioral neuroscience, clinical, counseling, experimental, forensic, health, human factors, 和 sports 和 performance psychology.

This 18-hour program consists of a structured selection of courses by which you can enrich your academic preparation 和 complements a variety of majors by broadening the student’s academic experience.

Certificate of Proficiency

This 9-credit hour program provides curriculum designed for those in helping professions such as human services, health care organizations, educators, 和 others. 课程 include Intermediate Spanish I, II, 和 Spanish for the Professions. 西班牙开始 I 和 II or required placement scores are prerequisites for Intermediate Spanish I.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the B.A. 在心理学中, the student will be able to:

  • identify, discuss, 和 debate ethical dilemmas 和 affected parties; critically evaluate ethical issues 和 assess applicable values. (道德)
  • demonstrate analytical reasoning of quantitative statistical measures; demonstrate the ability to justify 和 apply appropriate descriptive 和 inferential statistical models for analyzing behavioral data 和 to draw reasonable conclusions from those data. (Analytical: Statistics-Quantitative)
  • critique classic 和 modern psychological theories; assess with justification their applicability in everyday living to reach viable solutions to a problem; 和 draw a self-assessment about the relevance of psychological theories in their own lives. (Knowledge-Analytical).
  • demonstrate analytical reasoning in scientific methodology; critically evaluate empirical behavioral research literature; differentiate good science from that with methodological dilemmas; formulate simple hypotheses; 和 design, implement, appropriately analyze, report, 和 defend a basic original empirical research project in a public setting. (Analytical: Methodology Quantitative)
  • demonstrate an underst和ing of 和 appreciation for global 和 cultural diversity; differentiate between global 和 cultural awareness; 和 show the relevance of behavioral science in global 和 cultural events. (Global-Cultural Awareness)
  • demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, 和 historical trends 在心理学中 via various forms of communication such as verbal 和 written assignments, poster 和 paper presentations, 和 other summative 考试. (Knowledge-Breadth of 心理学, assessed across all required PSYC 课程)

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